IOT Managed Services

Build a smart, connected & secured enterprise with our advanced IoT Managed Services

Transform IoT data into action for a connected business transformation

We offer integration and administration services to explore a journey where your devices can seamlessly interact with each other to gather, store and process data. With Scalable Digital end-to-end IoT Managed Services, organization can generate new revenue streams, enhance security and completely transform your service support for better productivity.


Scalable Digital agile IoT Managed platform includes integrated services that makes it much easier to visualize IoT data and use it to make informed business decisions.

Accelerate time to market using proven, ready to use techniques
Use current data from connected devices in real time
Simplify operations to support the continual transformation of your business
Make faster and smarter strategic decisions

Service Offerings

We help organizations connect via devices, enabling real time processing of digital data and transactions in order to become value-led and insight-powered enterprise.

Develop and Integrate IoT Solution

IoT Performance Tuning and Optimization

Installation and Configuration Consulting

Application Testing and Maintenance


All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them.

Scalable Data & Analytics Brochure.

With powerful combination of Data & Analytics expertise with deep domain knowledge

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Scalable Hadoop Solution.

Each day human beings create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. In the last two years alone over 90% of the data

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Scalable Enterprise Data Integration

Although enterprises have invested heavily in business intelligence and data management solutions

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Accelerate Your Analytics Success With SEAL

Agile Business Analytics services for today's business On-Demand!

  • Your Choice of Data & Analytics Technology

  • Your Choice of Platform. On-premise, Cloud or Hybrid

  • Leverage our global Analytics Lab & Talent

  • Scale your team size anytime as per need