Capture, manage, deliver, and integrate information from disparate sources to create one data repository for near real-time access

Managed Data Services to Help you Match the Right Database to the Right use Case

Scalable AI Managed Data Services allow clients to focus on their core business by monitoring their database infrastructure for availability, performance and scalability. The service involves extensive proactive monitoring to keep the database tuned in with the system resources it supports.


We help you meet regulatory requirements of data quality for risk analytics in a cost-effective and integrated service.

Provides quality data for more effective, risk-informed decision making
Supports regulatory compliance and provides more consistent and reliable input data
Improve the data quality, and reduce the total costs of ownership
Ensure a seamless, efficient and secure transition

Service Offerings

We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to integrate disparate sources of information, build new data marts and warehouses.

Database Monitoring

Configuration Management

Performance and SQL Statement Tuning

Backup and Recovery

Start Making Better Decisions