IOT Analytics

Transform Internet of Things (IoT) Data into Action

Gain actionable insights to empower enterprises to understand the market

Scalable AI provides services for enterprises to combine IoT Analytics with business analytics. From chips to intelligent appliances to applications and industry solutions, get our Connected Science expertise to devise an IoT strategy that works for your unique needs.


Scalable AI IoT Analytics enables you to leverage your existing data, analytics and tools to get better business outcomes faster.

Develop, design and implement your analytics models quickly
Implement Big Data and system security using best practices
Rapid data gathering to accelerate analytics impact
Deliver governed, on-demand data to analysts and end users in an agile manner

Service Offerings

Our innovative IoT Analytics platform has a comprehensive set of unified capabilities for IoT applications delivered as a service offering.

IoT Configuration, Security, Policy Management

IoT Backup, Recovery, Archival Support

IoT Architectural Consulting, Design, Data Modeling, Development and Testing

IoT Development and Implementation

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