IntelliProvider Logo
Intelligence For Providers


Our next-gen product that integrates Clinical, Operations and Patient data to improve health outcomes and process efficiencies across the healthcare providers' ecosystem. Drives cost savings across the organization with a unified member record.


Value based care continuum with personalized population health

Advanced risk stratification & Analytics

Improve performance on risk-based contracts

Proactive & preventive patient care management

Holistic & empowered Patient Experience

Better patient experience with real time care and self-management tools

Real time virtual care anytime & anywhere

Reduced network leakage by integrated referrals

Reduced costs with effective work force, efficient supply chain and optimized operations

Better regulatory compliance with unified data & intelligence platform


Value based care continuum with personalized population health

Value based care continuum with personalized population health

Improve performance on risk-based contracts

Improve performance on risk-based contracts

Reduced costs with effective work force

Reduced costs with effective work force, supply chain and other operations

Better patient experience with real time care

Better patient experience with real time care through self management tools

Unified data & intelligence platform

Better regulatory compliance with unified data & intelligence platform

Why IntelliProvider?

Easy adaptability of the platform by end-users

Ease of Use - easy adaptability of the platform by end-users

Built on next generation technologies & standards

Built on next generation technologies & standards for better interoperability and compliance

SaaS based cloud platform

SaaS based cloud platform with easy pick and use functionality and flexible subscription models

Clinicians and Care Management teams

AI-driven for intuitive and intelligent insights for Clinicians and Care Management teams

Explore patient and operations data

Customized insights to easily visualize, analyze and explore patient and operations data

Flexible working models based on needs

Flexible working models based on needs - Customization, Collaborative or Consulting

Start Making Better Decisions