Real-world Data For Evidence Based Decision Making

Increase your productivity and spend more time making decisions and delivering insights powered by the right information. With our solutions and expertise, you can structure, normalize, de-identify and transform your disparate real world data sources into analytics-ready output.


Availability of healthcare data assets; payer, provider, pharmaceutical and external data sources

Pre-built connectors for first time and incremental data loads

Domain knowledge assets across therapeutic areas

Adherence to ever changing regulatory requirements; global & local

Best in class technology enabled analytics

Pre-built analytical assets for business & operational processes

Automate and customize data analysis as per industry needs

Managed services framework for real world data analytics

Key Modules

Real World Evidence

Data on Demand

Data on Demand
RWD Analytics / Insights

Analytics / Insights

Evidence Based
Study Design

Evidence Based Study Design
Comparative Effectiveness Research

Comparative Effectiveness Research

Health Economics
& Value

Health Economics & Value

Key Modules

Real World Evidence

Data on Demand

Analytics / Insights

Evidence Based Study Design

Comparative Effectiveness Research

Health Economics & Value

Featured Resources

Why COVID-19 affect people differently

Why COVID-19 affect people differently

What influences how sick you become after the incubation period? How can technology help us with the fight against COVID-19?

Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome in Pediatric Patients.

Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome in Pediatric Patients.

AI algorithms can be integrated as a tool to quickly diagnose pediatric patients positive for COVID-19 given their exposure history and laboratory testing to identify abnormal morphologies that tend to be present in pediatric populations.

Are Healthcare Systems Ready For COVID and the Flu?

Are Healthcare Systems Ready For COVID and the Flu?

Just as the US, and many other countries around the world, is reaching the end of flu season, COVID-19 takes its toll. If the US has the second wave of COVID-19 this winter, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control, Robert Redfield, has warned that the next outbreak will hit the healthcare system even harder.

Start Making Better Decisions