Insights for Pharma

From faster clinical trials to precision medicine, we offer actionable insights to pharmaceutical companies to better serve patients. Use our analytics platform to transform the life sciences organizations, making it more agile and innovative across the pharmaceutical value chain.

Real World Evidence

Increase your productivity and spend more time making decisions and delivering insights powered by the right information. With our solutions and expertise, you can structure, normalize, de-identify and transform your disparate real world data sources into analytics-ready output.

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Clinical Trial Optimization

The clinical development marketplace has become more competitive, while the regulatory standards have become stricter. Deliver data-driven process efficiencies throughout different stages of clinical trials from the pre-clinical studies phase until the post-marketing surveillance phase.

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Precision Medicine

Personalized medicine leading to a shift in the clinical treatment paradigm from a trial-and-error approach to "the right drug, for the right patient, at the right time'. Acceleration of data generation, advances in developing insights and personalization of the healthcare ecosystem are the key tenets to precision medicine.

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