

Customization of healthcare data integration and archival platform from Scalable (IntelliMRA) for multiple EMRs accelerated our time to market with reduced costs

CTO - Data Integration Company

Customization of Pharma Sales Analytics (Scalable IntelliRx platform) enabled faster decisions for sales representatives through accelerated discovery analytics on the go.

CTO - Large Analytics Company

Scalable Health developed an Enterprise Data Warehouse integrating data from multiple claims data sources for uniform decision making and revenue optimization.

CIO - Labor Management Fund

Scalable helped us save 25% in systems maintenance costs by creating a Data Hub to retire legacy EMR applications and upgrade their data warehouses.

CIO - Children's Medical Centre

Development of Data Warehouse to centralize the data spread across multiple EMR/EHR systems and Claims applications databases. Helped with better Clinical support, claims validation and historical data management.

CTO - Memorial Hospital

Scalable leveraged state data systems connecting clinical and community settings, electronic health record (EHR) data to identify populations of focus and engage in continuous quality improvement of clinical care.

CMO - Community Hospital

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